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White Papers & Reports

SSS has compiled the most insightful white papers and reports about cyber security and key trends impacting IoT, utilities and more. Take a look.

White paper


GE: Cybersecurity in Mission Critical Licensed Networks. This white paper assists users of GE’s MDS x710, MDS SD series, and MDS Orbit Platform to understand the various industry security requirements and how the cybersecurity capabilities within each product platform support these new guidelines.

SSS: The Alarming Numbers Behind Utilities' Cyber Threat Just how big is the cyber threat facing utilities across the U.S.? Get the numbers you need to know now.

DHS: How Transportation data Systems Can Meet Cybersecurity Standards. Here’s how the transportation sector can achieve greater control system security and meet the government’s robust cybersecurity standards.

Electric/ Gas Utilities

Harris Williams: Top Trends Driving T&D Sector. Here’s an overview of the U.S. T&D industry and market shifts spurring record investment in T&D infrastructure.

IoT Agenda: Distributed Intelligence Explained. Utilities are pioneering distributed intelligence as the smart grid promises to reduce outages and downtime. Here’s what you need to know about this important application.

CSIAC: New Skills Needed to Prevent Smart Grid Cyber Attacks. Developing a functional, secure infrastructure requires new skills and an understanding of how and why all applied technologies interact with each other.

Water & Wastewater

Water World: The Water Sector’s Business Case for Wireless Tech . Mobile computing can improve efficiency and service, data security, and ease the burden of regulatory compliance.

American Water Works Association: 2016 State of the Water Industry . A survey of more than 1,400 water & wastewater utility industry workers reveal the most important issues facing this sector.

Bluefield Research: U.S. Water Munis: Strategies & 10-year CapEx forecasts. Find out how U.S. municipal utilities will spend an estimated $532 billion in capital improvements over the next 10 years.


MilEmbed: Biggest Challenges for Military Wireless Infrastructure. Multi-node networks and kits that leverage software defined radio are enabling better spectrum management and wireless monitoring.