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SSS News & Insights

How Trump's budget plans may affect utilities & the smart grid

June 11, 2017
As promised, the Trump administration is shaking up the country’s energy policy, one plan at a time. Shortly before announcing the US will pull out of the Paris climate deal, Trump’s administration released its 2018 budget proposal late May and

SSS joins 160 businesses to support economic bill in Missouri

March 6, 2017
More than 160 business leaders across Missouri have signed-on in support of the Missouri Economic Development and Infrastructure Investment Act (SB 190/HB 628). In fact, many of them have sent support letters to their state legislators and to

Why SSS supports the Economic Development bill in Missouri

March 6, 2017
Legislation to allow Ameren Missouri to modernize its aging energy grid would cost residential customers about $1 more a month, but would bring them $2.40 in monthly benefits and savings, according to a study by Accenture, a global strategic firm

How utilities can ensure cybersecurity under Trump

January 19, 2017
With President Donald J. Trump officially sworn into office, many fret over the impact his term might have on cyber security. Trump has said cyber defense is a persistent and top priority. However if past presidencies are any indication, Trump will