SSS Scores Another Home Run with Ferguson in Booneville, KY (2021)
September 16, 2021
Tim Moore
Second Sight Systems is excited to announce another big win in Q3 of 2021. SSS was awarded another multi-faceted, turnkey utility project for Booneville, KY, through a successful partnership with Ferguson Waterworks. The City of Booneville, KY is thrilled to be moving forward with upgrading their existing water meter system to a new AMI system. This project is expected to have its challenges due to the area's terrain and ruralness, but SSS is confident of another successful project completion.
Water Meter Audits
First, SSS will be assisting the utility by auditing and accurately recording the GPS coordinates and directional guidance data for all of the utility's water meters. This critical information will also be helpful to the city in future operations in locating rural residents that are currently difficult to find by address only.
Network Infrastructure Installation
Second, SSS will be installing the network infrastructure consisting of Master Meter equipment to support the upgrade of the utility's water meter system. These will be installed across several of the city's water tanks providing an elevated clear line of site. SSS's technical services team is excited to be part of another successful Ferguson / Master Meter network infrastructure installation project.
Water Meter Installations
Lastly, SSS will be performing water meter installation / replacements throughout the city of Booneville, KY. Second Sight Systems is responsible for replacing approximately 1500 existing residential water meters and replacing them with brand new AMI Master Meters. Work is scheduled to begin in late September 2021, with project completion in late Q4 2021.
Second Sight Systems is looking forward to having another quality project under their belt completed for Ferguson Waterworks as well as for the great utility customers of the City of Booneville, KY.

Water Meter Utility Services and About Us
Second Sight Systems is at the forefront of utility field services, providing technical support to electric, gas, and water utilities, and contracted third parties. From the installation or the reading of meters, to AMI Network Infrastructure for the backhaul-- Second Sight Systems provides quality services to all of its customers.