SSS News & Insights

Another Submetering Project Win for SSS in Missouri (2021)

Written by Tim Moore | Sep 20, 2021 1:52:14 PM
Second Sight Systems' Submetering Services Team has been extremely busy in 2021 with numerous projects delivered across the country.  SSS recently won a sizeable residential project located in Bridgeton, Missouri.  This project consists of 300 apartment units, and will involve providing a turnkey solution consisting of submeters, networking equipment and billing services.  This solution will help the property owner's ability to monitor leaks, usage, while also having SSS provide a solution for complete billing services.  Second Sight is a leader in meter services. Remember - you can't manage what you can't measure!


About Us
Founded in 1999, Second Sight Systems is a total solutions provider for utility communications and technical field services.  Our Utility Field Services team is a provider of outsourced utility field operations and metering services to help improve efficiency, productivity, and response time.  Second Sight Systems provides comprehensive utility cost recovery programs for multi-unit and commercial properties.  This includes electric, gas and water.  We can deliver a full solution including system design, equipment, installation, reading and billing services. To learn more, visit or contact our Submetering Services Team today at